Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Port implant - December 19...

I was the only one anxious.  Paul was fine.  We got there about 8 a.m. and he went in about 9 a.m. and finished by 10.  They gave him Versid and pain meds.  No problems - went well - no pain.  As usual he was hungry and ate a big breakfast before we left for home at noon.

This port will make chemo treatments and blood draws so much easier as his veins are hard to find and deal with. 

Tomorrow is his first chemotherapy treatment at the VA hospital in Syracuse.  They are a special group of nurses and doctors there and he will be well taken care of.  I will hang out and give support, etc.  Just hoping side effects are minimal and we can celebrate Christmas as planned.

Happy Holidays!

First trip to oncologist after Ct scan

December 5 - Dr. Palozzi was impressed at how well Paul tolerated the radiation with very few side effects and obvious improvement to his breathing.  He said there was "shrinkage" but a little early to know the final results as radiation continues to work weeks and months after finished.

Dr. set up date for implanting a "port" in Paul's chest to administer chemtherapy treatments.  Treatments start on December 20 with one each month for probably 4 months.  After a couple treatments he will have tests done to see how well the treatments are working!

Here is Paul walking Penny - his main form of exercise - going to get the mail....

CT Scan

November 19 was Paul's first Ct scan after radiation.  Doctor will get results and we will know at his next appointment to what extent the radiation has worked or is working - radiation continues to "work" for weeks after and sometimes months.  His only side effects have been a little "burn" area on chest and back - doctor gave him cream for that.

He is more fatigues which is to be expected but nothing serious.  Otherwise, he feels much better, breathing better, etc.