Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24, 2010

Short update on latest visit to VA. Paul saw cardiologist NP and he says Paul is "stable" as far as CHF is concerned. Pacemaker is now working great. All vitals good.

He saw vascular doctor who operated on his aorta aneursym 4 years ago. Doctor said all is ok and no signs of a new aneursym which sometimes happens about 4 years out.

So - for now - STABLE and under control.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10, 2010

Paul had visit to the oncologist this week. All is same. He is scheduling the next ct scan for July 28. Starting his fourth year of lung cancer remission.
Paul also had his eyes checked and is getting new glasses. His pacemaker was adjusted but he went back and had it returned to original setting and feels much better.
Today was my visit to eye surgeon. Corneas ok, small sign of cataracts growing but nothing serious yet.
I guess we are all "tuned up" for now.
I turned 70 last week - not real happy but much better than the alternative.
This is the first rose on our large bush - more to come!